Subject Verb Agreement Answers Solution Key

Subject Verb Agreement Answers Solution Key

Explore the subject-verb agreement Answer Solution Key in this comprehensive guide. Unlock the secrets to perfect grammar and writing with expert insights, FAQs, and practical tips.

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The Subject Verb Agreement Answer Solution has been provided in bold letters.

Basics Subject Verb Agreement Answer Solution Set 1

Basics Subject Verb Agreement Answer Solution Set 1 provides straightforward solutions for foundational exercises to reinforce understanding of basic grammatical rules.

Answer 1:

(a) People are fun loving.

(b) Hira was present that day.

(c) My father reads book every day.

(d) She sings well.

(e) I play in the field.

Answer 2:

(a) Hira and Manik push the log.

(b) The players assemble in the dressing room.

(c) I and my friend plan to visit the zoo.

(d) These stones have rough surfaces.

(e) Elephants are big in size

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Subject-verb agreement (Rules)100+ Subject-verb agreement (Examples)
Subject Verb Agreement (Quiz)Subject Verb Agreement (Worksheet)
Subject and Verb Agreement (Class 10)Subject Verb Agreement (Exercises)
Subject and Verb Agreement (Class 9)Subject and Verb Agreement (Class 8)
Subject and Verb Agreement (Class 7)Subject and Verb Agreement (Class 6)
Subject and Verb Agreement (Class 5)Subject and Verb Agreement (Class 4)

Answer 3:

(a) She likes pizza.

(b) The children are playing in the park.

(c) The cat and the dog are chasing each other.

(d) Every student in the class has completed the assignment.

(e)The news is always interesting.

Answer 4:

(a) Everybody enjoys a good laugh.

(b) Someone calls for you on the phone.

(c) None of the cake remains after the party.

(d) Nobody knows the answer to that question.

(e) Somebody wants to join the hiking club.

Answer 5:

(a) Neither the cat nor the dogs like water.

(b) Not only the flowers but also the vase requires careful handling.

(c) Each of the solutions seems viable for different reasons.

(d) Not only the birds but also the squirrel is in the tree.

(e) Either the dog or the cats are in the garden.

Answer 6:

(a) The news is often sensationalized by the media.

(b) Both the mother and her children enjoy the family vacation.

(c) The library offers a wide range of books and magazines.

(d) The collection of rare coins is displayed in the museum.

(e) Many of the staff members at the company are going on vacation.

Answer 7:

Identify and correct the subject-verb agreement errors in the following sentences:

(a) The group of friends was excited about the upcoming trip.

(b) Each of the cars needs a thorough inspection.

(c) Many of the apples are ripe and ready to be picked.

(d) Both the car and the bicycle need maintenance.

(e) The pile of books is on the table.

(f) How do the new regulations affect your business?

(g) What are your thoughts on the recent developments?

(h) When was the last time you visited that museum?

(i) Why (be) _______ the kids playing in the park?

(j) Where (be) _______ the new neighbors from?

(k) A group of skilled artisans creates intricate designs on the pottery.

(l) The fleet of ships sails gracefully into the harbor.

(m) The committee members hold diverse opinions on the matter.

(n) Not only the birds but also the squirrel is in the tree.

(o) The team of experts is working tirelessly on the project.

Advanced Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Answer Set 2:

Advanced Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Answer Set 2 offers comprehensive solutions for complex tasks to refine understanding of intricate grammatical structures.

Answer 1:

(a) The collection of rare coins is up for auction.

(b) Fifty percent of the population supports the new policy.

(c) A series of unfortunate events leads to unexpected outcomes.

(d) Most of my family members prefer to stay indoors on weekends.

(e) The majority of the students in the class pass the exam.

Answer 2:

(a) The council meets every Tuesday to discuss community matters.

(b) The jury delivers its final verdict after hours of deliberation.

(c) The family gathers for a reunion once a year.

(d) The orchestra, led by a renowned conductor, is performing tonight.

(e) The herd of elephants is roaming through the African savanna.

(f) Neither of the candidates seems suitable for the position.

(g) Either of the options leads to positive outcomes.

(h) All of the information is thoroughly researched.

(i) Both of the candidates are qualified for the position.

(j) One of the boys has forgotten his backpack.

(k) Some of the cake is missing after the party.

Answer 3:

(a) The committee discusses the upcoming event.

(b) The orchestra performs breathtaking symphonies.

(c) The team of explorers discoverers ancient artifacts.

(d) A flock of seagulls is overhead.

(e) My family is going on vacation next week.

(f) The choir is rehearsing for the upcoming concert.

(g) Bread and butter goes well together as a meal.

(h) The sun, along with the stars, illuminates the night sky.

(i) The laughter and chatter of children fills the playground.

(j) The book and the magazine are on the shelf.

(k) Politics and economics are his areas of expertise.

Answer 4:

(a) Fifty dollars is a fair price for this antique.

(b) The news is both shocking and unexpected.

(c) The majority of the work is already completed.

(d) The group of friends is planning a surprise party.

(e) Plenty of books is donated to the library.

(f) While the sun shines, the children played in the park.

(g) Despite their differences, harmony exists among the team members.

(h) As the temperature drops, the leaves turn vibrant shades of red and gold.

(i) The company, along with its subsidiaries, has a global presence.

(j) The concert, which was scheduled for tonight (have) had been canceled.

(k) The fact that technology evolves rapidly is undeniable.

(l) Her belief that perseverance leads to success is inspiring.

(m) The idea that nature heals the soul is widely accepted.

(n) The idea that we can finish early is appealing.

(o) Whoever wins the competition receives a cash prize.

(p) A majority of the students prefer interactive learning methods.

(q) The entire team is dedicated to achieving the project’s goals.

(r) Several of the options seem viable for implementation.

(s) Plenty of interesting documentaries are available on that streaming platform.

(t) A series of meetings have been scheduled for this week.

Difficult Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Answer Set 3:

Difficult Subject Verb Agreement Exercises Answer Set 3 provides detailed solutions for challenging tasks aimed at mastering complex grammatical concepts.

Answer 1:

(a) If the weather permits, we’ll have a picnic tomorrow.

(b) Should you require assistance, our customer service team is available.

(c) In case of an emergency, the alarm activates automatically.

(d) Unless they study harder, they won’t pass the exam.

(e) If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will have a picnic.

Answer 2:

(a) The success of the company depends on its ability to innovate.

(b) The variety of colors creates a visually stunning display.

(c) The implications of the research extend beyond the current scope.

(d) The flowers that bloom in spring are beautiful.

(e) The computer, as well as the printer, is not functioning properly.

Answer 3:

(a) Each participant receives a certificate of completion.

(b) The government’s response is swift and resolute.

(c) The contents of the report remain confidential.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine contains the necessary information.

(e) The CEO, along with the senior executives, attends the conference.

Answer 4:

(a) If the sun shines we’ll go for a hike in the afternoon.

(b) Should the opportunity arise, I pursue further studies.

(c) In case of a power outage, the generator activates automatically.

(d) If it rains tomorrow, we stay indoors.

(e) Unless they finish the project on time, they face consequences.

Answer 5:

(a) Despite their differences, mutual respect exists among the team members.

(b) While the orchestra tunes their instruments, the audience settled in.

(c) As the years pass, our understanding of the universe expands significantly.

(d) The report, along with its supporting documents, has been submitted by the deadline.

(e) The project, which has been in development for months, requires additional funding.

Answer 6:

(a) The implications of climate change affect every corner of the globe.

(b) The analysis of historical data reveals fascinating patterns.

(c) The role of education extends far beyond the classroom.

(d) In today’s world, access to quality education is considered a fundamental right.

(e) The Internet, along with social media, has transformed how we connect with one another.

Answer 7:

(a) The majority of scholars agree with the theory’s fundamental premise.

(b) The concept of cultural relativism gives rise to diverse interpretations.

(c) A significant number of experiments yield inconclusive results.

(d) Literature, as well as other forms of art, plays a role in stimulating critical thinking.

(e) The impact of literature on society has been studied extensively by scholars and academics.

Answer 8:

(a) The collection of rare artifacts is an invaluable resource.

(b) The cluster of stars in that constellation forms a breathtaking pattern.

(c) The array of choices available overwhelms the decision-making process.

(d) The consequences of climate change are far-reaching and require immediate action.

(e) Classic literature and modern novels both play a significant role in shaping societal values.

Answer 9:

(a) Each participant receives a copy of the conference agenda.

(b) The terms and conditions of the contract are subject to negotiation.

(c) The accuracy of the financial report reflects meticulous attention to detail.

(d) Teachers, along with their students, play a crucial role in the learning process.

(e) The Internet, along with social media, has transformed how we connect with one another.

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for College Students Set 4:

Subject Verb Agreement Exercises for College Students Set 4 offers tailored practice materials specifically designed to reinforce subject-verb agreement skills for higher education contexts.

Answer 1:

1. Each of the students ( has /have) completed their assignments.

2. The book on the shelf ( belongs /belong) to Sarah.

3. Neither the cat nor the dog ( was /were) at home when I arrived.

4. The news about the accident ( was /were) shocking to everyone.

5. The group of friends ( was /were) excited to go on a road trip.

Answer 2:

1. My collection of rare coins ( is /are) worth a lot of money.

2. One of my favorite hobbies ( is /are) reading science fiction novels.

3. The pile of books on the table ( needs /need) to be sorted.

4. The jury ( has /have) reached a verdict in the case.

5. The team ( is /are) practicing hard for the championship.

Answer 3:

1. The company, along with its subsidiaries, ( is /are) expanding into new markets.

2. Neither the teacher nor the students (was/ were ) aware of the surprise quiz.

3. The variety of options available ( makes /make) it difficult to choose.

4. The collection of rare stamps ( is /are) on display at the museum.

5. The number of participants in the study ( has /have) increased significantly.

Answer 4:

1. The list of requirements for the job ( seems /seem) overwhelming.

2. Either the red or the blue car ( is /are) available for rent.

3. His collection of vintage records ( is /are) worth a fortune.

4. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore ( is /are) so soothing.

5. A pair of shoes ( was /were) left in the hallway.

Answer 5:

1. The majority of the students ( i /were) satisfied with their grades.

2. The book, as well as the magazine, ( belongs /belong) to me.

3. The police officer, along with the firefighters, ( is /are) on the scene.

4. The stack of pancakes on the plate ( looks /look) delicious.

5. Ten dollars ( is /are) all I have left in my wallet.

Answer 6:

1. The team of experts ( has /have) been working on this project for months.

2. The idea of traveling to distant lands (excites /excite) her.

3. A variety of animals ( live /lives) in the rainforest.

4. Each of the students ( has /have) their own unique talents.

5. The collection of rare coins ( was /were) stolen from the museum.

Answer 7:

1. The news of her promotion ( was /were) unexpected.

2. The number of applicants ( has /have) increased significantly.

3. The committee members ( disagree /disagrees) on the proposal.

4. The box of chocolates ( has /have) been eaten.

5. My favorite pair of jeans ( is /are) in the laundry.

Subject-verb agreement exercises for competitive exam Answer Set 5:

Subject-verb agreement exercises for competitive exams Answer Set 5 provides targeted practice to enhance grammar proficiency, crucial for success in competitive examinations.

Answer 1:

1. Neither the teacher nor the students __________ pleased with the exam results. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. The book, along with several others, __________ on the shelf. a) is b) are c) has d) have

3. The committee’s decision __________ final. a) is b) are c) has been d) have been

4. Each of the team members __________ to submit their report by tomorrow. a) is required b) are required c) requires d) require

5. The quality of the products __________ improved significantly over the years. a) has b) have c) is d) are

Answer 2:

1. Neither John nor his siblings __________ interested in politics. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. The pile of documents on the desk __________ overwhelming. a) is b) are c) was d) were

3. One of the keys to success __________ effective communication. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The group of protestors __________ demanding changes in the law. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. The teacher, as well as the students, __________ excited about the field trip. a) is b) are c) was d) were

Answer 3:

1. Both the dog and the cat __________ missing since yesterday. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. The news of the accident __________ shocking to everyone. a) is b) are c) was d) were

3. The majority of the population __________ in favor of stricter environmental laws. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The collection of rare artifacts __________ displayed in the museum. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. Each of the candidates __________ to give their best performance. a) is expected b) are expected c) expects d) expect

Answer 4:

1. The jury __________ reached a unanimous decision. a) has b) have c) is d) are

2. The series of novels __________ been adapted into a popular TV show. a) has b) have c) is d) are

3. The box of chocolates __________ tempting, but I won’t indulge. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The supply of fresh vegetables __________ running low. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. The committee members __________ not yet arrived for the meeting. a) has b) have c) is d) are

Answer 5:

1. The staff in this office __________ exceptionally dedicated to their work. a) is b) are c) was d) were

2. Not only the students but also the professor __________ attending the seminar. a) is b) are c) was d) were

3. The list of supplies needed for the project __________ quite extensive. a) is b) are c) was d) were

4. The cost of living in this city __________ high. a) is b) are c) was d) were

5. The number of cases of flu __________ rising steadily. a) is b) are c) was d) were

Concord subject-verb agreement exercises Answer Set 6:

Concord subject-verb agreement exercises Answer Set 6 focuses on refining language skills by tackling various aspects of grammatical concordance between subjects and verbs.

Answer 1:

1. The group of students ( is /are) going on a field trip.

2. Neither the cats nor the dog ( is /are) fond of water.

3. A variety of delicious dishes (was/ were ) served at the party.

4. Ten dollars ( is /are) not enough to buy that book.

5. The news about the election results ( was /were) surprising.

6. The collection of antique cars ( is /are) on display at the museum.

7. Each of the students ( has /have) completed their assignments.

8. The team, along with their coach, ( is /are) traveling to the championship.

9. The number of visitors to the museum ( has /have) increased this year.

10. The stack of books on the table ( needs /need) to be sorted.

Subject-Verb Agreement Exercises Answers for Practice Set 7:

Read each sentence carefully and identify whether the subject and verb are in agreement. Choose the correct verb form based on the subject. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Answer 1

(a) The cat (is/are) sleeping.

(b) The dogs (barks/bark) in the yard.

(c) Either the student or the teacher (is/are) responsible.

(d) Each of the books (has/have) its own charm.

(e) All of the cookies (was/were) eaten.

Answer 2

(a) The team of players (plays/play) exceptionally well.

(b) None of the information (was/were) accurate.

(c) Every student in the class (has/have) completed the assignment.

(d) The company, along with its subsidiaries, (is/are) expanding its operations.

(e) Neither the book nor the magazine (interest/interests) me.

Answer 3

(a) A basket of apples (was/were) on the kitchen counter.

(b) The group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) hiking together.

(c) One of the cakes (need/needs) more frosting.

(d) The collection of stamps (is/are) quite valuable.

(e) Each of the cars (require/requires) regular maintenance.

Answer 4

(a) All the chairs in the room (was/were) arranged neatly.

(b) The committee members (has/have) differing opinions.

(c) Many of the movies (was/were) filmed on location.

(d) The majority of the audience (was/were) impressed by the performance.

(e) Some of the information (seem/seems) unreliable.

Answer 5

(a) Neither coffee nor tea is my preferred beverage.

(b) Each of the students has a unique perspective.

(c) The flock of birds is gracefully across the sky.

(d) All the tickets for the concert were sold out.

(e) The collection of rare coins was on display at the museum.

Answer 6

(a) The movie that you recommended (was/were) captivating.

(b) Each of the students (have/has) completed the assignment.

(c) The committee members (discuss/discusses) the agenda.

(d) Neither the cat nor the dog (likes/like) the new food.

(e) The collection of stamps (is/are) stored in a secure album.

Answer 7

(a) Every employee in the department continues their role seriously.

(b) The box of chocolates is tempting.

(c) Both the manager and the assistant are busy.

(d) Not only the students but also the teacher was excited about the field trip.

(e) A variety of options are available for breakfast.

Answer 8

(a) All the evidence in the case (point/points) to a different conclusion.

(b) The group of musicians (practices/practice) diligently.

(c) None of the solutions provided (seems/seem) effective.

(d) One of the paintings on the wall (needs/need) restoration.

(e) The team, along with their coach, (is/are) celebrating their victory.

Answer 9

(a) Each of the books in the library (provide/provides) valuable insights.

(b) Many of the participants (has/have) already arrived.

(c) The collection of antique coins (is/are) considered priceless.

(d) The family of birds (build/builds) nests in the tree.

(e) Neither the pen nor the pencil (is/are) on the desk.

Answer 10

(a) A group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) hiking together.

(b) The series of events (unfold/unfolds) in a surprising manner.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively.

(d) The list of names (is/are) being reviewed.

(e) Both the cat and the dog (seem/seems) content.

Answer 11

(a) The team of players (is/are) working hard to win the championship.

(b) Not only the flowers but also the trees (adds/add) beauty to the park.

(c) Every student in the class (has/have) submitted their assignments.

(d) The collection of coins (belong/belongs) to a passionate collector.

(e) None of the options (seems/seem) suitable for the situation.

Answer 12

(a) Each of the cars in the garage has a unique history.

(b) The committee members are unanimous in their decision.

(c) A variety of books is available in the library.

(d) Neither the company nor its subsidiaries gets profitable this year.

(e) The flock of birds is south for the winter.

Answer 13

(a) All the information provided (is/are) accurate.

(b) The series of events (unfold/unfolds) in a chronological order.

(c) Many of the employees (has/have) attended the seminar.

(d) The family of dolphins (swim/swims) gracefully in the ocean.

(e) The collection of vintage posters (is/are) on display.

Answer 14

(a) Neither the cake nor the ice cream is appealing to me.

(b) Both the manager and the assistant are working diligently.

(c) Not only the students but also the teacher is excited about the upcoming trip.

(d) The collection of rare stamps is highly valuable.

(e) Every member of the team is dedicated to their role.

Answer 15

(a) The series of novels (capture/captures) the reader’s imagination.

(b) None of the solutions provided (solve/solves) the issue completely.

(c) Every one of the members (contribute/contributes) to the success of the project.

(d) The group of friends (enjoy/enjoys) spending time together.

(e) The selection of colors (create/creates) a vibrant atmosphere.

Answer 16

(a) The collection of rare coins (is/are) worth a fortune.

(b) Not only the students but also the teacher (is/are) excited for the field trip.

(c) Every one of the employees (has/have) contributed to the project.

(d) The committee members (disagree/disagrees) on the proposed changes.

(e) A series of novels (transport/transports) readers to different worlds.

Answer 17

(a) Each of the paintings in the gallery has a story to tell.

(b) The team of researchers is conducting groundbreaking experiments.

(c) The variety of flowers in the garden is a colorful display.

(d) Neither the cat nor the dog is allowed on the furniture.

(e) The family of dolphins is in harmony with their surroundings.

Answer 18

(a) A group of tourists (explore/explores) the ancient ruins.

(b) All the information in the report (is/are) accurate.

(c) Many of the students (participate/participates) in extracurricular activities.

(d) The collection of antique maps (belong/belongs) to a dedicated enthusiast.

(e) The flock of birds (migrate/migrates) to warmer regions.

Answer 19

(a) None of the options provided is suitable for the occasion.

(b) Both the manager and the employees are committed to success.

(c) Every one of the books in the library is a valuable resource.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting is carefully chosen.

(e) The family of elephants in the reserve is in their natural habitat.

Answer 20

(a) Each of the team members (play/plays) a crucial role.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) exhaustive.

(c) Every student in the class (excel/excels) academically.

(d) The series of events (lead/leads) to an unexpected twist.

(e) The variety of flavors in the menu (delight/delights) customers.

Answer 21

(a) The collection of vintage cars (spark/sparks) excitement among enthusiasts.

(b) Every member of the team (plays/play) a vital role in our success.

(c) The committee (meets/meet) regularly to discuss important matters.

(d) A variety of options (is/are) available for the upcoming vacation.

Answer 22

(a) Each of the paintings in the gallery has a unique perspective.

(b) The group of volunteers is dedicated to their cause.

(c) The family of elephants is harmoniously in their natural habitat.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine is interesting to me.

(e) The collection of rare stamps is displayed in a special exhibition.

Answer 23

(a) A series of lectures on art history (is/are) scheduled for next week.

(b) All the information in the report (appear/appears) accurate.

(c) Many of the applicants (meet/meets) the criteria for the scholarship.

(d) The collection of antique coins (belong/belongs) to a passionate collector.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in perfect formation.

Answer 24

(a) None of the options provided is suitable for the occasion.

(b) Both the manager and the employees are dedicated to their work.

(c) Every student in the class has their own strengths.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting is carefully chosen.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay is a joy to observe.

Answer: 25

(a) Each of the team members (contribute/contributes) to the project’s success.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) exhaustive.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in discussions.

(d) The series of novels (transport/transports) readers to distant lands.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the region (create/creates) a stunning backdrop.

Answer 26

(a) The collection of vintage books (contains/contain) valuable information.

(b) Neither the cat nor the dog (like/likes) the new food.

(c) Every member of the team (plays/play) an important role.

(d) The committee (meets/meet) every Monday to discuss matters.

(e) A variety of options (is/are) available for the event.

Answer 27

(a) Each of the paintings in the museum has a story to tell.

(b) The group of volunteers is dedicated to making a difference.

(c) The family of birds is in perfect harmony.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine is of interest to me.

(e) The collection of rare coins is displayed with care.

Answer 28

(a) A series of lectures on history (is/are) scheduled for next month.

(b) All the information in the report (seem/seems) accurate.

(c) Many of the students (excel/excels) in academics.

(d) The collection of antique artifacts (belong/belongs) to a private collector.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in a V formation.

Answer 29

(a) None of the options provided is suitable for the occasion.

(b) Both the manager and the employees are dedicated to their roles.

(c) Every student in the class has their own strengths.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting is carefully chosen.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay is a joy to watch.

Answer 30

(a) Each of the team members (contributes/contribute) uniquely to the project.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) extensive.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in discussions.

(d) The series of novels (transport/transports) readers to far-off places.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the area (create/creates) a breathtaking scene.

Answer 31

(a) The collection of antique coins (hold/holds) immense value.

(b) Neither the movie nor the book (captivate/captivates) my interest.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in discussions.

(d) The committee (convene/convenes) every Wednesday to discuss important matters.

(e) A variety of options (is/are) available for the upcoming event.

Answer 32

(a) Each of the sculptures in the gallery has a unique story.

(b) The group of volunteers is dedicated to making a positive impact.

(c) The family of swans is gliding gracefully on the lake.

(d) Neither the book nor the magazine is of interest to me.

(e) The collection of rare stamps is carefully preserved.

Answer 33

(a) A series of workshops on creativity (stimulate/stimulates) innovation.

(b) All the information in the report (appear/appears) to be accurate.

(c) Many of the students (excel/excels) in their academic pursuits.

(d) The collection of historical artifacts (belong/belongs) to a local museum.

(e) The flock of birds (fly/flies) in a graceful V formation.

Answer 34

(a) None of the options provided is suitable for the occasion.

(b) Both the manager and the employees are committed to their roles.

(c) Every student in the class has their own unique strengths.

(d) The selection of colors for the painting is very delightful.

(e) The family of dolphins in the bay is a source of wonder.

Answer 35

(a) Each of the team members (contributes/contribute) their expertise to the project.

(b) The list of ingredients for the recipe (seem/seems) quite extensive.

(c) Every student in the class (participate/participates) actively in classroom activities.

(d) The series of novels (transport/transports) readers to distant lands.

(e) The variety of landscapes in the region (create/creates) a breathtaking panorama.