How to Complete a Retail Store Audit Efficiently (5 Steps)

Whether your retail business operates one location or a dozen, store audits are an effective way to monitor how you're doing. From examining the effectiveness of your displays, keeping your inventory in check, ensuring you’re presenting the best possible version of your store, and verifying that inventory management tasks are completed on schedule, store audits offer deep insights into your retail business. And with advancements in modern technology, store audits have taken on a new role for retail businesses, offering more insights than ever before. But for retailers that are new to store audits, the task can seem daunting. But here, we’ll cover the benefits and process of completing a store audit so it’s simpler to get it done without delay.

Jun 13, 2022

retail store audit

Whether your retail business operates one location or a dozen, store audits are an effective way to monitor how your store doing. By examining the effectiveness of your displays, keeping your inventory in check, ensuring you’re presenting the best possible version of your store, and verifying that inventory management tasks are completed on schedule, store audits offer deep insights into your retail business.

With advancements in modern technology, store audits have taken on a new role for retail businesses and offer more insights than ever before. But for retailers that are new to store audits, the task can seem daunting. In this guide, we’ll cover the benefits and process of completing a store audit for easy and quick insights into your retail store performance.

What is a store audit?

You also need to choose the type of audit that best suits your needs. Some of the most common types of store audits include:

Depending on the type of store audit you conduct and your goals, the frequency will vary. You may perform a quick spot check once a month or a more thorough audit once a quarter. Weigh your options and set up a game plan based on your business needs and your resources.

What are the types of retail audits?

There are four main types of retail audits:

Why store audits are important

As the retail market changes, so do your business processes. Store audits may seem like a dated way to track your operations, but as your sales channels grow and become more complex, it’s important to stay on top of the goings-on in your retail business.

Retail cloud solution firm StorIQ sums up this sentiment: “The store audit is a vital component of retail operations. As retailers begin to implement omnichannel retail strategies and click-and-collect comes of age, store experience has become more important than ever. And it’s down to field teams to make sure the customer experience is top-notch.”

Keeping enough inventory to meet your in-store needs and any of the other channels you’re currently supporting requires up-to-date, accurate stock numbers. Not having enough stock in store and not having shelves set and displayed properly can make for a poor shopping experience, and store audits are one way that you can ensure customers walk through the best possible display experience in your stores.

Store audits are also fantastic opportunities to develop your sales associates and retail staff. By using the results of the audit for more than just monitoring numbers, retailers can use the audit as a learning opportunity to work with their employees to better the business in general.

💡 PRO TIP: Shopify POS makes it easy to track your store’s daily sales performance. View sales reports to keep tabs on average order value, items per order, net sales, sales per staff, and more. To get started, Sales reports in Shopify admin.

The benefits of a store audit

What specifically do you gain by doing a store audit? Aside from teaching your employees more about the day-to-day of your company’s business, here are some other potential store audit outcomes:

How to do a retail store audit

1. Schedule your store audit

Make sure you schedule enough time to complete the audit without disrupting the customer experience. The best time to complete audits is during slow times when you have enough staff to effectively finish the audit and still be able to maintain regular business.

You can also complete the audit while the store is closed, but keep in mind that would require scheduling extra resources outside of retail hours.

2. Determine your store audit goals

Come up with a list of objectives before you start the audit—what you hope to accomplish as well as areas that you think will require extra attention. Are your in-store displays looking less than ideal? Be sure to set aside an appropriate amount of time to analyze each display.

Don’t forget to include the exterior of your building in the audit as well. This is, after all, the first impression that your business makes on customers walking through the door—something as simple as a burnt-out light or overflowing garbage can could alter how someone views your brand.

3. Take thorough notes as you audit

As you go through the process of completing your audit, take comprehensive notes (or get the third-party vendor conducting your audit to do so).

Also take pictures as you go, documenting the audit results, so you can compare before and after pictures of the fixes as they’re made.

4. Delegate fixes to staff

Once you’ve completed your store audit, assign tasks to employees, contractors, or external agencies as soon as your resources and budget allow. Even if you can’t afford to make a change until the next quarter, getting it scheduled and on the books ensures that nothing is missed or left to pile up until the next scheduled audit.

💡 PRO TIP: Only Shopify POS unifies your online and retail store data into one back office–customer data, inventory, sales, and more. View easy to understand reports to spot trends faster, capitalize on opportunities, and jumpstart your brand’s growth.

Retail store audit tools

Store audits can be time-consuming and difficult. What tools can you leverage to make it easier for you and your business?

To unload the task completely, look into companies that perform store audits in your area. Generally, businesses that specialize in this process will come to your retail location(s), conduct the audit, summarize the results, and provide you with either just the data or strategic recommendations based on their industry expertise.

If you’re looking to complete the audits internally but still need some help, consider working with a retail audit software provider like Compliantia. These companies provide you with the resources you need to conduct quick and easy audits, including calendars, automated scorecards, action plans, and performance data over time.

This type of audit software also makes it easy to keep all your data organized and in one place and lowers the margin for human error often associated with manual checklists.

Store audits: Planning for the long term

After each audit, you’ll want to implement any fixes or changes as soon as possible and check the status during your next store audit. Regular store audits are also a great way to track your business over time—so be sure to look at the progress after each quarter and year.

Audit checklists are just one source of data that you can use to capture long-term progress, so be sure to compare audit results with inventory checks, sales over time, and resource allocations to get a bigger picture of your retail business.

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Store audit FAQ

What is a store audit?

A store audit is an analysis of the overall health of your retail store. It uses data to take a look at what’s selling and what’s not so you know what’s working well for your store.

What is a retail audit used for?

A retail audit is used to discover your most popular products as well as which products simply aren’t selling. Having this information is helpful so you can promote sales for less popular items and replace them with items similar to the products that are selling.

How is a store audit conducted?

First, decide which type of audit you need to conduct and why you want to complete this audit. Then gather your data and take a deep look into things like how much product loss your store has suffered (i.e., from theft), which products are more and least profitable, and the like. Evaluate your results and document them to share with your team.