The Curricula

The various curricula at Fairfield University are arranged into five general categories. The first three categories, Magis Core curriculum, electives, and majors, represent coursework that all students are required to complete. The remaining categories, second majors and minors, designate optional coursework. In addition, special features such as an honors program, interdisciplinary learning communities or clusters, independent studies, and internships are available to students.

As a Catholic Jesuit university characterized by academic rigor, integrative ways of thinking, knowing, and doing, civic engagement and social responsibility within the humanistic tradition, our mission is to educate our students to become competent, compassionate professionals who will live lives of personal integrity and contribute to the common good.

Choice of Curriculum

Descriptions of the various curricula will be found in the college and school sections and, where appropriate, under the discipline heading.

Students will fulfill the curriculum requirements that are in place at the time the student matriculates.

University Course Numbering System


Numbering System
Numbers Definition
1000-1999 Introductory Undergraduate Courses
2000-2999 Intermediate Undergraduate Courses
3000-3999 Upper-Level Undergraduate Courses
4000-4999 Advanced Undergraduate Courses


Numbering System
Numbers Definition
5000-5999 Introductory Graduate Level Courses
6000-6999 Advanced Graduate Level Courses
7000-7999 Doctoral Level Courses

Magis Core Curriculum

Beginning with the Class of 2023, every undergraduate student will be required to complete the Magis Core Curriculum. In line with the principles of Jesuit education, specifically with regard to the development of the whole person, all undergraduate students will complete courses in the following areas: English writing and rhetoric, history, philosophy, religious studies, mathematics, and language. Additionally, each student will be responsible for completing topical coursework in the following disciplines: literature, visual and performing art, natural science, and behavioral and social science. Further, every student will be exposed to certain courses that are interdisciplinary in perspective, focused on social justice issues, and demand writing both within the discipline and across the curriculum. The outcome of the Magis Core? The academic formation of women and men who are able to think critically, assess and present information holistically, and act with both conviction and compassion.

Please reference the Magis Core section of this catalog for more details. For the previous Core, which applies to the Class of 2022 and earlier, please reference the Catalog Archive.


The major is central to a student's program of study at Fairfield University. It represents an area of specialization consisting of a cluster of related courses drawn from a single department, more than one department, or an interdisciplinary program. Normally, a student must pursue a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework to complete a major. The course requirements for each major offered by the College of Arts and Sciences are set forth within each departmental section of this catalog; information on individually designed majors is also in this section. Likewise, the requirements for majors within the Dolan School of Business, the Egan School of Nursing and Health Studies, and the School of Engineering and Computing are found in those sections of this catalog. In all cases, the selection of courses for a particular major must be done in consultation with a faculty advisor from one's major department or school. In each college or school, the proper work of the major is concentrated in the junior and senior years; where preparatory courses are needed, they are taken in the first and/or sophomore year. For those who are undeclared, majors are usually selected at the end of the first year or during the sophomore year. Students declare majors by going to the office of the dean of the appropriate college or school. When a major is declared, the student is assigned a faculty advisor from the major area. To change from one major to another in one's school requires completion of a Change of Major form. The Change of Major form can be obtained from the office of the dean of the student's current school. The form must be signed by the chairperson/coordinator of the major in which the student is currently enrolled, the chair or coordinator of the major that the student desires, and the dean of the school. The form is then forwarded to the University Registrar. To change a major to a discipline of study in a different school, one must first meet with the dean's office of the desired school to determine eligibility to switch schools. If the student is eligible to enter the new school, the appropriate steps for changing the student record will be discussed.

Second Major (Double Major)

A student has the option of pursuing a second major at Fairfield University. The courses that constitute a second major must meet the stated requirements for a major program and must be approved by the department or interdisciplinary program in which the second major is located. A double major does not constitute a double degree. If a student is pursuing a double major in fields from two different degrees (e.g., BA, BS, BSW), then the student will only earn one degree. Therefore, the student must identify which degree is being earned. Students declare second majors and identify the degree program being pursued by completing a Double Major form that is available in the dean's office of their school.

In instances where the student is pursuing majors under two different degree programs (e.g., BA and BS), a notation will appear on the transcript signaling that the requirements have only been met for the additional major and not to award a second degree based on the second major.


In addition to carrying a major, a student may exercise the option of selecting a minor outside the area of specialization. A minor is a cluster of thematically related courses drawn from one or more departments, usually in the range of 15 to 18 credits. Students electing a minor are still required to fulfill the core requirement. In addition to department-based minors, many interdisciplinary minors are also available at Fairfield: American Studies; Applied Ethics; Asian Studies; Black Studies; Catholic Studies; Classical Studies; Environmental Studies; Health Studies; Humanitarian Action; International Studies; Irish Studies; Islamic World Studies; Italian Studies; Judaic Studies; Latin American and Caribbean Studies; Peace and Justice Studies; Russian, East European, and Central Asian Studies; and Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies.

Because the minor is considered to be a supplement to the student's major program of study, its completion in a given case may not have the same priority as that of a major. In order to select a minor, a student must submit a request and gain approval by the Chair or Program Director of the prospective minor no later than the Spring registration period of the student's Junior year. The completion of a minor is subject to the availability of the courses selected.


All students in BA and BS programs should have a minimum number of free electives. These electives may be chosen in any area of study, presuming prerequisites are met, and cannot be determined or required by any department or school. These electives may, of course, be part of a student's minor or second major. All students in BA programs must have a minimum of eight free electives; BS programs must have at least four electives, except for Nursing which must have at least two.

University Honors Program

The Honors Program at Fairfield University is an interdisciplinary course of study open to invited first-years and sophomores from all of the University's undergraduate schools. Since the program offers a curriculum of team-taught courses and small seminars, it is highly selective. Students who pursue Honors study at Fairfield are highly motivated, passionate about learning, and willing to engage their professors and fellow students in lively discussions about the great ideas that have shaped our culture and world cultures. Honors students at Fairfield also are invited to attend intellectual and cultural events outside the classroom. A detailed description can be found under the Honors Program section of this catalog.

Independent Studies

The independent study option is available in most departments to students who wish to examine a subject in depth for which no course is available. Such guided studies are designed and pursued by students under the tutelage of a faculty member. This option is restricted to students in their junior and/or senior years of study.

Students should apply to the professor under whose direction they wish to study no later than the normal registration period of the preceding semester. The Independent Study Application form, available from the office of the college dean, must be completed and filed with the Registrar before the project may begin.

For projects of less than a semester's equivalent course work, one or two credit hours may be assigned. For projects of a semester's equivalent coursework, three credit hours, or, with a laboratory component, four credit hours may be assigned.

If students undertake more than one independent study project during their college careers, the total credit hours for all projects may not exceed nine credit hours toward the undergraduate degree.

Student Internships

Students at Fairfield University have an opportunity to earn academic credit and gain practical, on-site work experience by pursuing internships in their major fields of study. Through placements in appropriate businesses, corporations, laboratories, law firms, government offices and agencies, nonprofit organizations, etc. students apply and test principles and theories they have acquired in their coursework. In a typical internship carrying three semester credits, students work 10 to 15 hours per week on site. Internships are coordinated by Fairfield University faculty and on-site supervisors. Through such experiences students can enhance their learning and explore potential careers. Upon graduation, students are frequently offered positions with corporations and agencies sponsoring their internships.

Internships are listed on the University's job and internship platform. This platform offers opportunities for undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni of the University. Internships may be secured either through the platform or through independent networking and may be undertaken for credit, for pay, or for both credit and pay (note: please check with specific department for internship requirements). When pursuing an internship for academic credit, students must be in good academic standing and must meet all prerequisites prescribed by the major department (e.g. GPA, prior coursework). To register for an internship, a student must obtain prior approval from the faculty member who coordinates the internship program in his/her major department.

A maximum of six academic credits can be earned for internship experience. An internship will not substitute for any other stated course(s) in the student's major field. Further information about specific internship opportunities can be obtained from the departmental chair or the internship coordinator of the specific department.

Options for Graduate Level Courses

Fairfield University undergraduates with permission from their faculty advisor and from the Dean of the school in which the course is offered may take a graduate course for undergraduate credit and as part of their undergraduate load, appearing on their undergraduate transcript. A student may later petition to have those courses provide advanced standing in their graduate program and it would be up to the faculty to determine if the credits should apply to the graduate program at that time. Students might receive credit for these courses as part of a graduate program if the student did not apply the credits to complete the undergraduate degree.

An undergraduate student who has advanced beyond degree requirements and also has permission from the Dean of the school in which the course is offered may take a graduate level course for graduate credit as part of their regular undergraduate load. The number of graduate courses a full time undergraduate may take is limited to two. The five year pre-structured programs follow their own required sequence.

Registration for graduate courses is on a space available basis, with preference given to graduate students. Undergraduates with permission to enroll in a graduate course may petition to register in late August for the fall and early January for the spring.

Fifth-Year and Accelerated Master’s Degree Programs

Fairfield offers several dual or integrated degree programs for undergraduate students who are interested in studying toward a master’s degree while an undergraduate, with an additional year at Fairfield for continued graduate coursework after the student has completed their bachelor’s degree. Interested students should discuss and determine coursework options with their academic advisor during their sophomore year so that the required admission process and course selection can begin. More detailed information can be found on specific 5th Year Programs in the school sections of this undergraduate course catalog.

College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Education and HUMAN DEVELOPMENT (Fifth-Year Programs in Partnership)

More details about these programs may be found in the School of Education and Human Development section of this catalog.

More details about this program may be found in the College of Arts and Sciences section of this catalog.

School of Engineering AND COMPUTING

More details about these programs may be found in the School of Engineering and Computing section of this catalog.

One-Year Master’s Degree Programs

Undergraduate students in the Dolan School of Business who excel academically are strongly urged to consider applying to one of the school’s graduate programs in business. Beginning the application process and sitting for the standardized entrance exam (GMAT or GRE) can occur as early as the summer prior to the start of one’s senior year of undergraduate study. If accepted, and contingent on first completing one’s undergraduate degree, a student can begin the Master’s program immediately after Commencement in the summer or in the following fall. Most graduate business programs can be completed in one year (given full-time enrollment).

Students interested in any of these programs are encouraged to make an appointment with the Associate Dean and Director of DSB Graduate programs.

Additionally, undergraduate students interested in accelerated Master's degree programs in the College of Arts & Sciences or School of Engineering and Computing that may take longer than one year to complete due to the total credits required may explore options on the respective department pages of this catalog. These may include programs like the Master of Fine Arts (MFA) and the Master of Public Administration (MPA), among others. Interested students should contact their Assistant or Associate Dean to discuss these options in more detail.

Scholastic Honors

Dean's List

To qualify for the Dean's List at the conclusion of each semester's work, a student must have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours, have no outstanding or incomplete grades for that semester, and have attained a semester grade point average of 3.50 or better.

Graduation with Honors

Honors at graduation are awarded for the following weighted grade point averages computed on four years' work:

Graduation with Honors
Honors GPA
Summa Cum Laude 3.85
Magna Cum Laude 3.70
Cum Laude 3.50

Alpha Sigma Nu

Alpha Sigma Nu, the national Jesuit honor society, serves to reward and encourage scholarship, loyalty, and service to the ideals of Jesuit higher education. To be nominated for membership, undergraduate students must have scholastic rank in the top 15 percent of their class, demonstrate a proven concern for others through involvement in extracurricular activities and service to the University, and manifest a true concern and commitment to the values and goals of the society. The Fairfield chapter was reactivated in 1981 and includes outstanding seniors who are encouraged to reflect scholarship, promote service to the University, and provide greater understanding of the Jesuit ideals of education within the University community.

Beta Gamma Sigma

Beta Gamma Sigma is an international honor society recognizing the outstanding academic achievements of students enrolled in collegiate business programs accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business. With more than 440,000 members worldwide, the Society's membership comprises the brightest and best of the world's business leaders. At Fairfield University, the top 7 percent of juniors, the top 10 percent of seniors, and the top 20 percent of graduate students are eligible for membership in the University's Beta Gamma Sigma chapter, which was established in 1998. Each spring, an induction ceremony is held at the Charles F. Dolan School of Business to welcome new members into the Society.

Phi Beta Kappa

Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest and most widely recognized national academic honor society in the United States. Founded in 1776 at the College of William and Mary in Virginia, the society's aim is to encourage academic excellence in the broad range of the liberal arts. Membership is restricted to students who complete most of their coursework in the liberal studies curriculum; typically those are students who pursue B.A. or B.S. degrees in the College of Arts and Sciences. Fairfield's Zeta Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa was established in 1995. Each spring it installs new members from among the most academically talented upper-class students. Election to this chapter is based on scholastic standing and academic accomplishments and is limited to seniors and a highly select group of juniors.

Sigma Theta Tau

Sigma Theta Tau was founded by innovative thinkers who looked forward to a profession that recognizes and uses knowledge and learning to lead in service to others. Founded in 1922 by six students of nursing at Indiana University in the United States, the honor society began with one chapter and six members. During the past 85 years, it has evolved to more than 480 chapters across the globe, with more than 125,000 active members. As one of the most distinctive organizations in professional nursing, the honor society influences and changes the health of people by engaging the intellectual capital of nurses around the globe. By developing and building connections with diverse people and entities, we enable nurses to collectively and individually develop, create, use and apply their knowledge to make a difference for the greater good of people’s well being.

Other National Honor Societies & Organizations

Discipline-based national and international honor societies with chapters at Fairfield University include: